“¿Cuándo te vimos?” “When Did We See You?”
Offering innovative, creative and collaborative ways to bring Presbyterian youth together is one of the primary objectives of the Office of Presbyterian Youth and Triennium, or PYT. With this in mind, PYT published four free online resource guides inspired by the theme “When Did We See You?” for youth and their leaders to contextualize and make their own.
The “When Did We See You?” resources were originally intended to be a part of a new endeavor called PYT BEYOND. This program is a way to expand the reach of the content, learnings and conversations that happen at the Triennium but can really be experienced everywhere. BEYOND is a way to share and re-share an important gospel message about faith grounded in and surrounded by justice, awareness and faithfulness.
One such opportunity created with these resources was last April at Primera Iglesia Presbiteriana Hispana de Fayetteville in North Carolina, the “¿Cuándo te vimos?” (kwan.do te veemos) (“When Did We See You?”) bilingual conference for youth ages 11 to 22. It focused on mental health and included the Emergency Medical Service program from Fayetteville Technical Community College, the local county EMS, the presbytery youth council and a psychologist.
Creating opportunities for the Good News to reach young people — wherever they may be — is what the Pentecost Offering, one of the PC(USA)’s four Special Offerings, is all about.
The Pentecost Offering theme, “I Am Coming to You,” connects so distinctly to an event, moving out and about the church. Literally, the Good News is coming to you!
For over 25 years, the Pentecost Offering has not only been empowering young people by providing financial support to PYT, but the Offering also helps to fund the Young Adult Volunteer Program and the Educate a Child, Transform the World national initiative.
Forty percent of the Pentecost Offering is retained by our congregation for our ministries with youth in our community, while the remaining 60% is used to support children at risk, and youth and young adults through ministries of the Presbyterian Mission Agency.
One of the conference participants, 17-year-old Hector Cardenas, said, “It is important that Presbyterians and other people give money to support programs like ‘Cuándo te vimos’ through the annual Pentecost Offering. It gives us the opportunity to bring churches together that do not have the capabilities of doing things like this — experiencing new activities, learning and meeting new people. I think funding these events also brings our presbyteries closer because it gives us a goal and a mission to be selfless and share these experiences with others.”
Selflessly sharing with others, specifically children, youth and young adults, is the mission we share through our gifts to the Pentecost Offering. Please give generously — for when we all do a little, it adds up to a lot.
Let us pray~
Lord God, we all dream for a world more like your reign of justice, love and peace. We commit today to work with you so that young people can have the education and tools they need to be transformative leaders in your world, but to do so in ways that show forth the love you made known in your son, Jesus Christ. In his name, Amen.
~ taken from Pentecost Resources from the PC(USA) Minutes for Mission