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Wandering Heart: A Lenten Journey with Peter

This Lent, we are once more using the words and artwork from @sanctifiedart. The theme is Wandering Heart: Figuring out faith with Peter.

This theme emphasizes that the journey of faith for Peter—and for us—is not necessarily linear. Instead, our journeys often feel like wandering. The logo features a whimsical dashed line that weaves and meanders through the typography. Even though the journey is not predictable, we are always tethered to the heart of God—no matter how far we wander. Along the dotted path are sub-icons, like geotags, that symbolize moments in Peter’s journey. The backgrounds feature paintings by Rev. Lisle Gwynn Garrity inspired by warm earth tones. The washes of ochre, red clay, and blue-gray tones recall the sand and earthy pigment that were surely underfoot for Peter throughout his travels, throughout his pursuit to follow Jesus with his heart on his sleeve.

Join us on this journey as we walk together through Lent. There will be devotionals and devotion cards available in the Narthex and on the Bulletin Board in the Fellowship Hall. We hope you'll take advantage of these resources.


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