You may have noticed the article in our September Newsletter about the newly formed Homelessness Awareness Club. Our very own young saint, Teri Anne, saw a need and has been working together with her classmates on creating a way to fix the problem. Her club, described in her own words below, seeks to help alleviate the problem and also to find out what contributes to homelessness. Please join us in supporting both her and those in need by attending the upcoming meeting.
Homelessness is a very complex problem with many different causes. It is often easy to blame a homeless person for being homeless. This is why we formed a Homelessness Awareness Club for youth from our community. The mission of this club is to educate ourselves and the community about homelessness. We are having discussion about the causes and symptoms of homelessness. We are also talking about solutions
Our next meeting is 1:30PM on September 17th at the First Presbyterian Church. We will discuss homelessness and make boxed lunches. Several people will then go downtown to distribute these boxes. Any leftovers will be given to the Milly Free Fridge. We are excited about continuing to learn and to take action in service to the homeless within our community.
~Teri Anne Bradley
Also of note is the current proposal by the Baldwin County Commissioners to outlaw urban camping. From the Milly Free Fridge social media:

Call to Action: Those who can, please attend a special hearing of the Baldwin County Board of Commissioners this Friday, September 15th at 11 a.m. in the Baldwin County Government Building (1601 North Columbia). Our local government is planning on modifying the existing code to ban urban camping, which effectively bans being homeless, without putting in plans in place to actually deal with the bigger issues of homelessness and other systemic issues! Use your voice to help protect some of our community's most vulnerable members!
If you cannot make it on Friday, there will be a second hearing as required by law on October 3 at 5pm at the same location.