Kiwanis meets every Tuesday in the Fellowship Hall at First Presbyterian Church for a catered lunch and an informative presentation from local interests. This past month, Kiwanis partnered with the Rotary Club to collect food donations for our local food banks. As a result, Kiwanis donated a total of 141 pounds of food for the FPC Food Pantry.
This type of donation helps to continue our ministry to help the food insecure in our community. We celebrate food donations on the first Sunday of each month. Please consider bringing any of the following items to support this mission:
Canned soups, canned ravioli, canned ham, tuna, salmon, and chicken; boxed mac & cheese, pasta noodles, grits, oatmeal, and/or cereal; peanut butter & jelly; canned spaghetti sauce, fruit, and vegetables
Thank you so much to the Milledgeville Kiwanis Club!