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Thank you, Team Awesome!

The youth have been raising money for their trip to the Montreat Youth Conference in June and the congregation has been generously supporting them. The congregation has been so supportive, they should be on "Team Awesome!" In fact, because of Team Awesome, there is hope that the youth will have raised the full amount needed for their trip with the next two fundraisers.

Tomorrow night, on Cinco de Mayo, the youth are serving Tacos for Supper. It's a great way to start your Cinco de Mayo celebration with just $5 per taco. So please be there at 6PM for a mouthwatering dinner of tasty tacos!

The next (and possibly last?) fundraiser will be another soup luncheon after worship service on May 21. This time, the youth will make homemade chicken noodle soup. Please make plans to join us.


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