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Spiritual Discipline Weekend

As Presbyterians, we don’t spend much time on fostering our spirituality. Yet that aspect is critical to our faith and our intentional connection to God. 

This year, Ash Wednesday is February 14—so soon! In preparation for Lent, we will have a Spiritual Practice workshop on February 3. We’ll begin with a short worship service, then spend time exploring journaling, centering prayer, Lectio/Vizio Divina, and yoga (including chair yoga) with Liz Havey of Soul Rebellion Yoga. Lunch will be provided, as well.

Please take advantage of this workshop and invite friends! Hopefully you will find one or more practice to explore as you undertake the reflective season of Lent. I’m looking forward to this great event!

Call the office at (478)452-9394 or email at for updates and information.

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This is a version of the five-step Daily Examen that St. Ignatius practiced.

1. Become aware of God’s presence.
2. Review the day with gratitude.
3. Pay attention to your emotions.
4. Choose one feature of the day and pray from it.
5. Look toward tomorrow.


Dr. Kerry Neville, Associate Professor in English at GCSU, will be leading this portion of the program.


How to Keep a Spiritual Journal

  1. Purchase a journal to write in.

  2. Set a time each day to sit and self reflect.

  3. Keep your spiritual journal with you at all times.

  4. Acknowledge your blessings.

  5. Set spiritual goals.

  6. Write down any prayers that inspire you.

  7. Review your journal entries at least once a month.

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Yoga/Chair Yoga

Liz Havey of Soul Rebellion Yoga will take us through various exercises and meditative techniques.


Meditation is a key part of a yoga practice for many people, and yoga meditation can be a great way for beginner meditators to dip their toes in the meditation waters.

Lectio Divina

In Western Christianity, Lectio Divina is a traditional monastic practice of scriptural reading, meditation and prayer intended to promote communion with God and to increase the knowledge of God's word. In the view of one commentator, it does not treat Scripture as texts to be studied, but as the living word.

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