“When Did We See You.”
A missional engagement in preventing and alleviating Poverty as
together we seek to stop the cycle of poverty
NE Georgia Presbytery and Presbyterian Women would like to invite everyone who reads this invitation to join us on June 8, 2024. This workshop will be at the Covenant Presbyterian Church, at 1065 Gaines School Road, Athens, GA. The workshop will be from 10:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. To register and for more info email at We hope you will be able to attend.
Last October NE Georgia Presbyterian Women held a Social Justice symposium in Athens, GA to address some of these issues. This program was led by Rev. Dr. Alonso Johnson and his associate, Margaret Mwale. Dr. Johnson is the Presbyterian Church’s Mission coordinator for the Self Development of People and is located at the Louisville, KY headquarters.
With Matthew 25 as our backdrop, we will examine poverty both nationally and its interconnected issues (i.e. living wages, homelessness, education, healthcare, and mass incarceration and how each intersects with race, class, and gender). Tactile elements will also help equip participants with strategies centered around community organizing. This opportunity is designed to create conversation as well as leverage congregational/communal power in engaging issues in the local community through direct action and advocacy. Using biblical perspectives of justice, it is also designed to encourage relationship and community building among participants so that they may also network together to address the issues of poverty and create systemic change.
This workshop challenges us to go beyond charity and take a more holistic view of poverty, equipping teams to create real and lasting change. Hear from leaders in the PC(USA) and in community development as you or your team are guided through core principles that go beyond charity and build relationships.