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Joy Gift Program and Chili Cook-Off

We're back to in-person events and with that comes the return of the children's Joy Gift Program and our annual Chili Cook-Off. The Joy Gift Program is the annual children's offering to the church in the form of a Christmas Pageant, during which the Joy Offering is collected. Both are long standing traditions at First Presbyterian Church.

The rather newer tradition of the Chili Cook-Off in conjunction with the Joy Gift Program is also returning from it's COVID exile. This will be the fourth annual cook-off. Each year has seen a different winner, so it's anyone's game.

We look forward to seeing you this Sunday evening, December 11, starting at 6PM for the Joy Gift Program with the chili cook-off following immediately after. Join us, even if you don't have a favorite chili to enter the competition. After all, we'll need judges!


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